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Data Processing

AI Data Processing

Your Organization’s Big Data Strategies Just Don’t Cut It Anymore

Today, massive amounts of Big Data are being generated and accumulating in various forms with up to 90% of it being an escalating avalanche of Unstructured Data.  Your organization is most likely generating this overwhelming amount of Unstructured Data at an unprecedented rate, fueled by factors such as increased digitalization, IoT devices, social media, artificial intelligence, and customer interactions, as well as challenging distributed workforces and increased utilization of chat and collaboration platforms (MS Teams, Zoom, Slack, etc.).  This rapid growth has exposed the damaging limitations of data governance and legacy storage solutions.

Scattered Big Data with Diminished ROI

Managing and utilizing Unstructured Data, such as text documents, images, and videos, is particularly challenging [and beyond the capabilities of current data solutions].  Complicating matters even more, this escalating Big Data is often metastasizing in scattered systems and departments, leading to data fragmentation.  This fragmentation can make rapidly identifying, accessing, searching, storing, exposing risk, analyzing, and effectively utilizing Big Data difficult while dramatically diminishing the anticipated ROI on your organization’s expensive investment in data generation and AI.  But now we have the solution


Kubernetes Clusters 
The use of Kubernetes in our AI Data Processing provides your organization with easy automation and management capabilities.  Kubernetes Clusters enable efficient deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications, streamlining data ingestion, storage, access, and backup and recovery processes.  Its high availability, scalability, and ease of management empower your organization to handle data access, storage, retention, disposal, and archiving tasks effectively and efficiently within legacy environments.


AI Data Processing Instant Deployment

$2k Per Terabyte

SaaS License 

Powered by LOGiX Hosting


— or —



$1M Annual On-Premise

Unlimited License 

Powered by LOGiX Hosting


… a $3M in-perpetuity license is also available.

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