As storage platforms and devices age, organizations are making major investments to upgrade or replace existing solutions. This can include moving to one of the new platforms that offers a pay-as-you-go, or Opex, rather than a Capex model. It can also involve a cloud or hybrid environment. Moreover, moving large amounts of data to a new platform is time-consuming and expensive, so organizations are creating significant costs by purchasing capacity for unneeded data.
Zantaz Data Optimization analyzes legacy on-premise data at exabyte scale. It first eliminates ROT [Redundant, Obsolete, and Trivial data], so that organizations are left only with a single copy of data that is mission critical [Golden Copy]. By reducing data by as much as 60%, the cost of the storage migration, as well as the investment in the new storage platform are significantly reduced. The AI Data Organizer routes data based on an organization’s policy, use, compliance, and security demands to ensure only data with the proper security or use requirements are migrated.
The pricing schemes of the new Opex storage models are complex. Without knowing exactly how much data is stored, how often it is used, and which departments are responsible for it, organizations risk making commitments for capacity or performance levels that are unnecessary. With Zantaz Data Optimization, organizations can be assured that they are committing to the level of storage and performance that is needed.