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Zantaz’s Swift Data Recovery: Enhancing Arthrex’s Cybersecurity Resilience

Business Case:  After suffering a devastating cyber attack that compromised their production systems and backups, Arthrex, a leading medical device manufacturer, faced significant operational challenges. With the Microsoft Exchange environment and critical data assets at risk, they turned to Zantaz Data Resources and Powered by PremCloud for assistance. Leveraging Zantaz’s premier archiving capabilities and PremCloud's migration suite technology, they successfully restored essential archived email data, significantly mitigating the attack's impact and ensuring the continuity of their critical operations. 

Highlights & Impact:  “In the wake of a devastating cyber attack, Arthrex quickly recovered essential email data using PremCloud's migration suite, restoring operations and safeguarding historical data. This vital recovery highlighted the role of independent archiving in enhancing cybersecurity resilience.” – Marco Pizzolo, CTO, Powered by PremCloud

Methodology:  Zantaz and PremCloud's methodology centered on leveraging its advanced migration suite to recover and restore critical data swiftly in the wake of cyber attacks. By extracting PST files for integration into new environments, PremCloud ensures clients like Arthrex quickly regain access to essential email archives, achieving their recovery objectives and maintaining operational continuity. This approach underscores the value of independent archiving for robust disaster recovery and business resilience.

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